Apologies for late minutes and for not catching why we know that
Rachel showers daily but Mark D. maybe once every six days. Other people at the
June meeting included Rob H., Martin G. and brother Doug, Emily G., Peter H.,
Ken W., Maya, Carlin K., Sara D. and Andrea and Dave F.
Regarding business, Rob announced that we move to the half dues
rate in July and agreed to fix the web site.
Plans to collect money for the NSS bricks were accompanied by the grotto
pledge to round the contributions collected up to the nearest fifty dollars.
Regarding the plans to have a meetup group meeting about the subject of caving,
Mark D. hasn’t done anything yet.
Rob reminded everyone that they had one more week (until 7/7) to
order yellow and pink T-shirts in time for NSS Convention. He would also get a
quote for hats.
Mark Daughtridge asked people to let him know about any interest
in sharing programs. Next month’s program is still up for grabs [announced that
it will be “European
(and Worldwide) Cave Photography - From a Publisher's Perspective”].
Regarding trip reports, Dave Fielder spent a week in cave geology
class at Mammoth Cave. He got the badge to prove that he’s the sheriff of
Mammoth Cave.
Andrea and Dave shared that they went to Puerto Rico and visited
Rio de Cacuy (tourist cavern) but it wasn’t very well organized. They recommend going early in the morning. 1100
people visited that day.
Doug G. went caving with Marines or Seals close to St. Louis. He also went caving in the Rockies (it was
very cold).
Carlin mentioned that Brian Secofsky had a rock climbing accident
a few weeks earlier and broke his left leg in several places. He fell a full rope length at Stone
Mountain. His partner is in much worse
shape than he is.
Maya mentioned that she has visited Tories’ Cave.
Upcoming Trips:
- Snow Cone Cave survey—not until October
- Missed Opportunity Cave—narrow stream crawl. Hopefully an upper entrance. July 25-27.
- Perkins Cave survey—Carlin, Dave, and Andrea going back to Bill Gross’s lead. Tied into the old cave with walking passage. Twenty foot ceilings go in two directions with unsurveyed cave. You’ll crawl in some mud, but the route has been made easy.
- NSS Convention – Pete, Andrea & Dave Fielder, Mark D., and Sue Widmer.
- Friars Hole Cave Sport Trip – 8/16--Sara, Andrea, and Martin volunteered to help cook food.
- Old Timers Reunion (Mark D. and Sara D. and Pete H.)—go camping with Sara D. for the weekend before
- Fall VAR 10/10-12
- Pete’s sister’s wedding
The program was Mystery Caving Theater 2014 by Mark Daughtridge
(Ben’s Vortex).
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