Thursday, May 29, 2014

Minutes from TriTrogs General Meeting (May 27, 2014)

Pete H., Dave F., Lisa L., Mark L., Mark D., Mike B., Emily G., Rachel W., Sarah D., Ken W., Rob H., and Carlin K. were in attendance. Mark L. would have collected dues, but everyone in attendance was already a member.

Rob brought up the possibility of a donation to help build the new NSS Headquarters. There was some confusion over whether or not donated bricks would have etching and eventually it was determined that they would not.  Rob proposed that the grotto consider donating $500, but Mark L. countered that it would represent roughly double the amount the grotto took in last year. After discussion, the topic was tabled for further officer discussion.

Because Matthew W. may not be set to present in June, Rob Harris will arrange a discussion about the criteria for membership in VPI Cave Club and knot-tying or about archaeology in Petra. Peter H. noted that the best way to test knot-tying skills is to be drunk, but that is not the best time to use the knots.

Mark D. mentioned that he plans to hold a meeting for beginners interested in caving through an announcement on a rock-climbers meetup group. There was some discussion about the cost of meetup accounts, and Mark mentioned that the beginner’s meeting will be followed by a cave trip.

Sarah announced that her schedule is clear for both the grotto trip and Old Timers Reunion.

When the discussion moved on to trip reports, Mark D. described his survey trip in Snow Cone Cave with Carlin and Dave D. After balking at a 27-foot waterfall drop, they surveyed upstream until the passage got really tight. In another lead they wimped out when it got wet. Then they started into the low lead where Carlin found bolts for a climb. After Carlin set survey stations down to the bolts, Dave told Carlin and Mark that they should not panic but their objective had changed to a body retrieval (camera body).  They re-directed to Olympus Dome and found easy surveying (and the camera body) down below (along with raccoon remains). During their trip, they terminated three leads and created eight new ones.

Dave Fielder gave a shorter trip report for Snow Cone Cave: we lost a camera.  We surveyed in the downstream horizontal area and saw the snow cone on the way out. He visited Hancock Cave the next day.

Carlin described his cave trip to Horseshoe Pit as a place he would never send his friends.  His hammer drill was very, very muddy, and the mud was horrendous. The bolt climb led him to a walking lead that was seventy feet long, but he was slogging through mud up to his calves.

Ken described cave photography trips with Diana G., Matthew W., Bill S., and Michael C. to Culverson Creek Cave and Piercy’s Mill Cave. Tim W.’s cannon could be heard all the way over in Renick.

Rob then quickly referred to the upcoming trips:
May 30-June 1 – SERA Summer Cave Carnival
Geology Class at Mammoth Cave (Dave Fielder)
July 14-July 18 – NSS Convention
August 16 – TriTrogs Annual Trip to Friars Hole Cave
Carlin promised a lot of good caving trips this summer.

After a break, Dave Fielder shared a great program about the Nullarbor Plain of South and Western Australia. We then adjourned to Busy Bee Café for dinner and beer.

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