Mark Little, Mike Broome, Diana Gietl, Ken Walsh, and Howard Holgate held a conference call beginning at 8:22 PM to discuss three topics.
Howard agreed to host the Holiday Party on December 11. It will be a potluck affair, and Howard will handle the paper supplies. Howard will share a google maps link (,+Cary+NC+27518&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=3536+Pinnacle+Dr,+Cary,+Wake,+North+Carolina+27518&gl=us&ei=Aam3TOrQEYGClAeB9amLCQ&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA&z=16), and Mike will add the event to the Google calendar. Ken will send out a notice asking for RSVPs by December 4, and Diana will help by suggesting type of dishes (sides, desserts, salads, etc.) that are needed. Howard will call Dick Webb to invite him to the party.
The conservation trip to Hancock Cave is on for November 20, and Duke will bring his truck for hauling stuff. The owner knows that we’ll be there, and we shouldn’t have to worry about hunters. Diana will send out an email this weekend about the trip to get a headcount by October 24. Howard will arrange the lodging, hopefully in a Hungry Mother cabin or two. If not, then we may resort to the Rodeway Inn in Marion. We’ll worry about food issues later. We should also bring cameras along for the bat count and cleanup efforts, and Ken will print out copies of portions of the cave maps so that teams can write the number of bats (healthy and infected of the different species) in each room. The convenience center is open until 5 PM on Saturday.
The October program will be Lucio dAlberto’s video "The Karst Aquifers of Veneto", a donation from Lucio, a former TriTrog.