Diana Gietl, Hayden and Howard Holgate, Duke Dooley, Ken Walsh, and Dick Webb came to the meeting. Dick offered old books from his collection to the grotto library.
We had no discussion about improvements to the web site, but Diana noted that the Volunteer Values section of the web site has not yet been posted. Something was mentioned about cleaning old events off of the web page, but that may have just been the way the user scrolled through the Google calendar.
Diana mentioned that Hannah Reynolds of Duke University is headed for a mycology conference and is looking for input from the TriTrogs and the caving community about the WNS roundtable discussions.
Ken shared Dave Duguid's trip report about bat observations with his kids and Mary Frazier (NCDOT) at the Cole Mill Road bridge in Durham. He mentioned that they saw at least 220 big browns in about 30 minutes as they emerged from the bridge expansion joints. If you know off any other bridges in the state with bat populations, Mary Frazier would like to know.
Duke Dooley described the difficulties with entering Lovers Leap Cave and talked about a squealing, flailing pig. He then shared that in Worley's Cave we surveyed to the left side of the passage. Dave Duguid found his way into a small dig that led to 300 yards of passageway that he and Rob Harris explored. His muscles were too sore the next day to participate in the Easy Way Down Dig, so Ken described that muddy effort in very soft limestone that roots helped break into a nice slot. Unfortunately the current lack of air flow left it difficult to determine which way to go next.
Diana was in New Jersey recently and described digs near Albany, NY. Her friend Tony dug down 60 feet toward what will be a really big cave once they find their way in. He is convinced that there is at least 15 miles of cave beneath the surface.
We then began discussing the graphite mine inside the Raleigh Beltline, and Dick Webb shared where some of the former "lead" mines are. We also discussed the friability of graphite and the dangers of radon.
In discussing upcoming trips, Diana mentioned that she may decide to travel to the Vermont Convention, but it will be a last minute decision.
We then discussed the possibility of combining this year's grotto trip to the Wildcat Entrance of Culverson Creek Cave with the VAR/MAR being held on October 1-3. The cool temps and low water levels should make the trip a good time for all, and no one would need to prepare the dinner.
When we began talking about a conservation trip, Duke Dooley asked if anyone had a flat trailer that could be pulled. We're thinking about cleaning up the rest of the back entrance to Hancock Cave on a weekend when Duke's truck could pull up the old appliances. Diana will propose some dates for the trip to Duke and try to get a date set.
Howard is looking for an easy caving trip in July for family members. I think he's settled on Paxton's Cave around July 24. Diana, Dave, and Ken may also go.
The meeting adjourned early, and much food was enjoyed at The Diner on Glenwood Avenue.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
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