Mike Jones, Warren Pusak, Mark Daughtridge, Mike Broome, Pete Hertl, Jon Plyler, Diana Gietl, Melanie McCullough, Dave Duguid, Ken Walsh, Howard Holgate, and Matt Westlake were in attendance.
Dave Duguid began the meeting by thanking Mark and Rhonda Little for hosting the 20th Anniversary Party that went late into the evening. Mike collected dues during the break and agreed to send them to the absent Treasurer.
Mike entertained discussion about changes to the TriTrogs web site. We talked reinstating the WNS links, the web site introducing the officers, and how the emails will be forwarded to officers.
Ken mentioned that the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) has petitioned the U.S. government to close all American caves and mines indefinitely because of the WNS threat. Included in their petition would be the closure of all caves on Federal lands (including places like Carlsbad Caverns), the criminalization of any landowners who allow access to their caves, and the acquisition of caves with significant bat populations. Dave shared a letter written by Peter Youngbaer, NSS WNS liaison, to the CBD. Diana described six web pages on the CaveChat forum dedicated to this one action and described that the NSS has asked grottoes to send letters to the Departments of the Interior, Department of Defense, and the Fish and Wildlife Service to block the action, as well as a letter to the CBD.
The absurdity of enforcing the proposal was discussed with speculation of police stationed at tens of thousands of cave entrances and descriptions of cave gates being destroyed month after month in New York.
The TriTrogs discussed informing the state fish and wildlife organizations about this petition. Diana agreed to draft letters to the Federal agencies, and Dave said that he will apprise Mary Fraser and the museum about the situation. Melanie agreed to help draft a press release, but we will likely hold onto it until a story develops through other challenges.
Mike Broome agreed to reply to Bill Bussey’s offer to share his old caving publications. The TriTrogs would be particularly interested in adding WV cave maps to its collection. Matt Westlake suggested that a university library might be interested in the old publications, but other members noted that libraries no longer accept such donations.
Mike Jones had asked if grotto members other than Steve Simmons have squeeze boxes that could be used at a scout meeting. No one knew of other local squeeze boxes, but we began discussing the construction of them in the grotto.
From the mailbag, Mike mentioned a SERA Summer Cave Carnival survey. He also suggested that extra money could be spent on the 3000-sq.foot residence in Highland County, Virginia as a fieldhouse for just $1.3M.
Pete Hertl mentioned that Dave Lennott is working with a guy on worms (mostly aquatic in moist environments) and is interested in looking in cave waters. Seeps and springs would be okay too. Pete asked if we thought that we could make a list of caves where they might find mature specimens. Members rattled off several possible locations.
With regard to trip reports, Dave Duguid described the trip he and Ken Walsh took to Smyth County on January 1. More details are in the Trip Report blog. Dave added the details about his cave suit freezing to his body in 6 degree weather. When discussing Easy Way Down Dig, grotto members starting discussing the possibilities of using electronic equipment to explore before people move enough rocks to get inside.
Upcoming trips include:
Feb. 27 return to Smyth County with Diana, Ken and Dave
Mar. 27-28 trip to Cribb Cave with Warren Pusak and his venture crew
May 22 Spring VAR in Lewisburg, WV
During the break, members paid dues.
Elections pulled Diana Gietl and Howard Holgate into the positions of co-vice chairs. Mike Broome, Mark Little, and Ken Walsh will continue their roles as editor/webmaster, treasurer, and secretary. A chair will be elected at the February meeting. The February meeting may include a Greenland program from Diana Gietl.
We adjourned to the after-the-meeting meeting at The Diner, a tasty new place on Glenwood Avenue.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
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